Meatloaf Cupcakes

I love these! I’ve made something similar in the past, but never this pretty. I think these meatloaf cupcakes would be fun to serve after the wedding.

First Look, Then Cook

Remember when I posted these, and wrote about the instant aversion my kids have towards meatloaf?  They can’t get enough meatballs, but when I use that same recipe and make a loaf out of it, something happens.  Well, I just solved the problem for all the mothers out there looking to get their kids to eat meatloaf.  MEATLOAF CUPCAKES!!!!

The other week a friend of mine at work came by to tell me about this awesome bakery in Chicago, called the MeatLoaf Bakery.  She described the meatloaf cupcakes and instantly my mind went racing – mostly to the decorations.  Bacon, chives, shredded cheese, black olives, a ketchup dollop on the top – I just couldn’t stop myself.  Then reality set it – but would my kids actually get into this?  Oh boy did they ever.  They begged me to make them every night for weeks, until I finally…

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